Design FAQ

What is Smithy?

Smithy is the interface design language used by AWS services. smithy-rs allows users to generate a Rust client for any Smithy based service (pending protocol support), including those outside of AWS.

Why is there one crate per service?

  1. Compilation time: Although it's possible to use cargo features to conditionally compile individual services, we decided that this added significant complexity to the generated code. In Rust the "unit of compilation" is a Crate, so by using smaller crates we can get better compilation parallelism. Furthermore, ecosystem services like have an upper limit on the maximum amount of time required to build an individual crate—if we packaged the entire SDK as a single crate, we would quickly exceed this limit.

  2. Versioning: It is expected that over time we may major-version-bump individual services. New updates will be pushed for some AWS service nearly every day. Maintaining separate crates allows us to only increment versions for the relevant pieces that change. See Independent Crate Versioning for more info.

Why don't the SDK service crates implement serde::Serialize or serde::Deserialize for any types?

  1. Compilation time: serde makes heavy use of several crates (proc-macro2, quote, and syn) that are very expensive to compile. Several service crates are already quite large and adding a serde dependency would increase compile times beyond what we consider acceptable. When we last checked, adding serde derives made compilation 23% slower.

  2. Misleading results: We can't use serde for serializing requests to AWS or deserializing responses from AWS because both sides of that process would require too much customization. Adding serialize/deserialize impls for operations has the potential to confuse users when they find it doesn't actually capture all the necessary information (like headers and trailers) sent in a request or received in a response.

In the future, we may add serde support behind a feature gate. However, we would only support this for operation Input and Output structs with the aim of making SDK-related tests easier to set up and run.

I want to add new request building behavior. Should I add that functionality to the make_operation codegen or write a request-altering middleware?

The main question to ask yourself in this case is "is this new behavior relevant to all services or is it only relevant to some services?"

  • If the behavior is relevant to all services: Behavior like this should be defined as a middleware. Behavior like this is often AWS-specific and may not be relevant to non-AWS smithy clients. Middlewares are defined outside of codegen. One example of behavior that should be defined as a middleware is request signing because all requests to AWS services must be signed.
  • If the behavior is only relevant to some services/depends on service model specifics: Behavior like this should be defined within make_operation. Avoid defining AWS-specific behavior within make_operation. One example of behavior that should be defined in make_operation is checksum validation because only some AWS services have APIs that support checksum validation.

"Wait a second" I hear you say, "checksum validation is part of the AWS smithy spec, not the core smithy spec. Why is that behavior defined in make_operation?" The answer is that that feature only applies to some operations and we don't want to codegen a middleware that only supports a subset of operations for a service.