RFC: Finding New Home for Credential Types

Status: Implemented in smithy-rs#2108

Applies to: clients

This RFC supplements RFC 28 and discusses for the selected design where to place the types for credentials providers, credentials caching, and everything else that comes with them.

It is assumed that the primary motivation behind the introduction of type safe credentials caching remains the same as the preceding RFC.


This document assumes that the following items in the changes checklist in the preceding RFC have been implemented:

  • Implement CredentialsCache with its Lazy variant and builder
  • Add the credentials_cache method to ConfigLoader
  • Rename SharedCredentialsProvider to SharedCredentialsCache
  • Remove ProvideCredentials impl from LazyCachingCredentialsProvider
  • Rename LazyCachingCredentialsProvider -> LazyCredentialsCache
  • Refactor the SDK Config code generator to be consistent with ConfigLoader


Here is how our attempt to implement the selected design in the preceding RFC can lead to an obstacle. Consider this code snippet we are planning to support:

let sdk_config = aws_config::from_env()

let client = aws_sdk_s3::Client::new(&sdk_config);

A CredentialsCache created by CredentialsCache::lazy() above will internally go through three crates before the variable client has been created:

  1. aws-config: after it has been passed to aws_config::ConfigLoader::credentials_cache
// in lib.rs

impl ConfigLoader {
    // --snip--
    pub fn credentials_cache(mut self, credentials_cache: CredentialsCache) -> Self {
        self.credentials_cache = Some(credentials_cache);
    // --snip--
  1. aws-types: after aws_config::ConfigLoader::load has passed it to aws_types::sdk_config::Builder::credentials_cache
// in sdk_config.rs

impl Builder {
    // --snip--
    pub fn credentials_cache(mut self, cache: CredentialsCache) -> Self {
    // --snip--
  1. aws-sdk-s3: after aws_sdk_s3::Client::new has been called with the variable sdk_config
// in client.rs

impl Client {
    // --snip--
    pub fn new(sdk_config: &aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig) -> Self {
    // --snip--


// in config.rs

impl From<&aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig> for Builder {
    fn from(input: &aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig) -> Self {
        let mut builder = Builder::default();
        builder = builder.region(input.region().cloned());

impl From<&aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig> for Config {
    fn from(sdk_config: &aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig) -> Self {

What this all means is that CredentialsCache needs to be accessible from aws-config, aws-types, and aws-sdk-s3 (SDK client crates, to be more generic). We originally assumed that CredentialsCache would be defined in aws-config along with LazyCredentialsCache, but the assumption no longer holds because aws-types and aws-sdk-s3 do not depend upon aws-config.

Therefore, we need to find a new place in which to create credentials caches accessible from the aforementioned crates.

Proposed Solution

We propose to move the following items to a new crate called aws-credential-types:

  • All items in aws_types::credentials and their dependencies
  • All items in aws_config::meta::credentials and their dependencies

For the first bullet point, we move types and traits associated with credentials out of aws-types. Crucially, the ProvideCredentials trait now lives in aws-credential-types.

For the second bullet point, we move the items related to credentials caching. CredentialsCache with its Lazy variant and builder lives in aws-credential-types and CredentialsCache::create_cache will be marked as pub. One area where we make an adjustment, though, is that LazyCredentialsCache depends on aws_types::os_shim_internal::TimeSource so we need to move TimeSource into aws-credentials-types as well.

A result of the above arrangement will give us the following module dependencies (only showing what's relevant):

Selected design

  • :+1: aws_types::sdk_config::Builder and a service client config::Builder can create a SharedCredentialsCache with a concrete type of credentials cache.
  • :+1: It avoids cyclic crate dependencies.
  • :-1: There is one more AWS runtime crate to maintain and version.

Rejected Alternative

An alternative design is to move the following items to a separate crate (tentatively called aws-XXX):

  • All items in aws_types::sdk_config, i.e. SdkConfig and its builder
  • All items in aws_types::credentials and their dependencies
  • All items in aws_config::meta::credentials and their dependencies

The reason for the first bullet point is that the builder needs to be somewhere it has access to the credentials caching factory function, CredentialsCache::create_cache. The factory function is in aws-XXX and if the builder stayed in aws-types, it would cause a cyclic dependency between those two crates.

A result of the above arrangement will give us the following module dependencies:

Option A

We have dismissed this design mainly because we try moving out of the aws-types create as little as possible. Another downside is that SdkConfig sitting together with the items for credentials provider & caching does not give us a coherent mental model for the aws-XXX crate, making it difficult to choose the right name for XXX.

Changes Checklist

The following list does not repeat what is listed in the preceding RFC but does include those new mentioned in the Assumptions section:

  • Create aws-credential-types
  • Move all items in aws_types::credentials and their dependencies to the aws-credential-types crate
  • Move all items in aws_config::meta::credentials and their dependencies to the aws-credential-types crate
  • Update use statements and fully qualified names in the affected places