Aggregate Shapes

Smithy TypeRust Type
MapHashMap<String, Value>

Most generated types are controlled by SymbolVisitor.


List objects in Smithy are transformed into vectors in Rust. Based on the output of the NullableIndex, the generated list may be Vec<T> or Vec<Option<T>>.


Because floats are not Hashable in Rust, for simplicity smithy-rs translates all sets to into Vec<T> instead of HashSet<T>. In the future, a breaking change may be made to introduce a library-provided wrapper type for Sets.


Because key MUST be a string in Smithy maps, we avoid the hashibility issue encountered with Set. There are optimizations that could be considered (e.g. since these maps will probably never be modified), however, pending customer feedback, Smithy Maps become HashMap<String, V> in Rust.


See StructureGenerator.kt for more details

Smithy structure becomes a struct in Rust. Backwards compatibility & usability concerns lead to a few design choices:

  1. As specified by NullableIndex, fields are Option<T> when Smithy models them as nullable.
  2. All structs are marked #[non_exhaustive]
  3. All structs derive Debug & PartialEq. Structs do not derive Eq because a float member may be added in the future.
  4. Struct fields are public. Public struct fields allow for split borrows. When working with output objects this significantly improves ergonomics, especially with optional fields.
    let out = dynamo::ListTablesOutput::new();
    out.some_field.unwrap(); // <- partial move, impossible with an accessor
  5. Builders are generated for structs that provide ergonomic and backwards compatible constructors. A builder for a struct is always available via the convenience method SomeStruct::builder()
  6. Structures manually implement debug: In order to support the sensitive trait, a Debug implementation for structures is manually generated.

Example Structure Output

Smithy Input:

@documentation("<p>Contains I/O usage metrics...")
structure IOUsage {
    @documentation("... elided")
    ReadIOs: ReadIOs,
    @documentation("... elided")
    WriteIOs: WriteIOs

long ReadIOs

long WriteIOs

Rust Output:

/// <p>Contains I/O usage metrics for a command that was invoked.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)]
pub struct IoUsage {
    /// <p>The number of read I/O requests that the command made.</p>
    pub read_i_os: i64,
    /// <p>The number of write I/O requests that the command made.</p>
    pub write_i_os: i64,
impl std::fmt::Debug for IoUsage {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        let mut formatter = f.debug_struct("IoUsage");
        formatter.field("read_i_os", &self.read_i_os);
        formatter.field("write_i_os", &self.write_i_os);
/// See [`IoUsage`](crate::model::IoUsage)
pub mod io_usage {
    /// A builder for [`IoUsage`](crate::model::IoUsage)
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
    pub struct Builder {
        read_i_os: std::option::Option<i64>,
        write_i_os: std::option::Option<i64>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The number of read I/O requests that the command made.</p>
        pub fn read_i_os(mut self, inp: i64) -> Self {
            self.read_i_os = Some(inp);
         /// <p>The number of read I/O requests that the command made.</p>
        pub fn set_read_i_os(mut self, inp: Option<i64>) -> Self {
            self.read_i_os = inp;
        /// <p>The number of write I/O requests that the command made.</p>
        pub fn write_i_os(mut self, inp: i64) -> Self {
            self.write_i_os = Some(inp);
        /// <p>The number of write I/O requests that the command made.</p>
        pub fn set_write_i_os(mut self, inp: Option<i64>) -> Self {
            self.write_i_os = inp;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`IoUsage`](crate::model::IoUsage)
        pub fn build(self) -> crate::model::IoUsage {
            crate::model::IoUsage {
                read_i_os: self.read_i_os.unwrap_or_default(),
                write_i_os: self.write_i_os.unwrap_or_default(),
impl IoUsage {
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`IoUsage`](crate::model::IoUsage)
    pub fn builder() -> crate::model::io_usage::Builder {


Smithy Union is modeled as enum in Rust.

  1. Generated enums must be marked #[non_exhaustive].
  2. Generated enums must provide an Unknown variant. If parsing receives an unknown input that doesn't match any of the given union variants, Unknown should be constructed. Tracking Issue.
  3. Union members (enum variants) are not nullable, because Smithy union members cannot contain null values.
  4. When union members contain references to other shapes, we generate a wrapping variant (see below).
  5. Union members do not require #[non_exhaustive], because changing the shape targeted by a union member is not backwards compatible.
  6. is_variant and as_variant helper functions are generated to improve ergonomics.

Generated Union Example

The union generated for a simplified dynamodb::AttributeValue Smithy:

namespace test

union AttributeValue {
    @documentation("A string value")
    string: String,
    bool: Boolean,
    bools: BoolList,
    map: ValueMap

map ValueMap {
    key: String,
    value: AttributeValue

list BoolList {
    member: Boolean


#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub enum AttributeValue {
    /// a string value
    Map(std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, crate::model::AttributeValue>),

impl AttributeValue {
    pub fn as_bool(&self) -> Result<&bool, &crate::model::AttributeValue> {
        if let AttributeValue::Bool(val) = &self { Ok(&val) } else { Err(self) }
    pub fn is_bool(&self) -> bool {
    pub fn as_bools(&self) -> Result<&std::vec::Vec<bool>, &crate::model::AttributeValue> {
        if let AttributeValue::Bools(val) = &self { Ok(&val) } else { Err(self) }
    pub fn is_bools(&self) -> bool {
    pub fn as_map(&self) -> Result<&std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, crate::model::AttributeValue>, &crate::model::AttributeValue> {
        if let AttributeValue::Map(val) = &self { Ok(&val) } else { Err(self) }
    pub fn is_map(&self) -> bool {
    pub fn as_string(&self) -> Result<&std::string::String, &crate::model::AttributeValue> {
        if let AttributeValue::String(val) = &self { Ok(&val) } else { Err(self) }
    pub fn is_string(&self) -> bool {