RFC: RequestID in business logic handlers

Status: Implemented

Applies to: server

For a summarized list of proposed changes, see the Changes Checklist section.


  • RequestID: a service-wide request's unique identifier
  • UUID: a universally unique identifier

RequestID is an element that uniquely identifies a client request. RequestID is used by services to map all logs, events and specific data to a single operation. This RFC discusses whether and how smithy-rs can make that value available to customers.

Services use a RequestID to collect logs related to the same request and see its flow through the various operations, help clients debug requests by sharing this value and, in some cases, use this value to perform their business logic. RequestID is unique across a service at least within a certain timeframe.

This value for the purposes above must be set by the service.

Having the client send the value brings the following challenges:

  • The client could repeatedly send the same RequestID
  • The client could send no RequestID
  • The client could send a malformed or malicious RequestID (like in 1 and 2).

To minimise the attack surface and provide a uniform experience to customers, servers should generate the value. However, services should be free to read the ID sent by clients in HTTP headers: it is common for services to read the request ID a client sends, record it and send it back upon success. A client may want to send the same value to multiple services. Services should still decide to have their own unique request ID per actual call.

RequestIDs are not to be used by multiple services, but only within a single service.

The user experience if this RFC is implemented

The proposal is to implement a RequestId type and make it available to middleware and business logic handlers, through FromParts and as a Service. To aid customers already relying on clients' request IDs, there will be two types: ClientRequestId and ServerRequestId.

  1. Implementing FromParts for Extension<RequestId> gives customers the ability to write their handlers:
pub async fn handler(
    input: input::Input,
    request_id: Extension<ServerRequestId>,
) -> ...
pub async fn handler(
    input: input::Input,
    request_id: Extension<ClientRequestId>,
) -> ...

ServerRequestId and ClientRequestId will be injected into the extensions by a layer. This layer can also be used to open a span that will log the request ID: subsequent logs will be in the scope of that span.

  1. ServerRequestId format:

Common formats for RequestIDs are:

  • UUID: a random string, represented in hex, of 128 bits from IETF RFC 4122: 7c038a43-e499-4162-8e70-2d4d38595930
  • The hash of a sequence such as date+thread+server: 734678902ea938783a7200d7b2c0b487
  • A verbose description: current_ms+hostname+increasing_id

For privacy reasons, any format that provides service details should be avoided. A random string is preferred. The proposed format is to use UUID, version 4.

A Service that inserts a RequestId in the extensions will be implemented as follows:

impl<R, S> Service<http::Request<R>> for ServerRequestIdProvider<S>
    S: Service<http::Request<R>>,
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = S::Error;
    type Future = S::Future;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, mut req: http::Request<R>) -> Self::Future {

For client request IDs, the process will be, in order:

  • If a header is found matching one of the possible ones, use it
  • Otherwise, None

Option is used to distinguish whether a client had provided an ID or not.

impl<R, S> Service<http::Request<R>> for ClientRequestIdProvider<S>
    S: Service<http::Request<R>>,
    type Response = S::Response;
    type Error = S::Error;
    type Future = S::Future;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, mut req: http::Request<R>) -> Self::Future {
        for possible_header in self.possible_headers {
            if let Some(id) = req.headers.get(possible_header) {
                return self.inner.call(req)

The string representation of a generated ID will be valid for this regex:

  • For ServerRequestId: /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{,48}$/
  • For ClientRequestId: see the spec

Although the generated ID is opaque, this will give guarantees to customers as to what they can expect, if the server ID is ever updated to a different format.

Changes checklist

  • Implement ServerRequestId: a new() function that generates a UUID, with Display, Debug and ToStr implementations
  • Implement ClientRequestId: new() that wraps a string (the header value) and the header in which the value could be found, with Display, Debug and ToStr implementations
  • Implement FromParts for Extension<ServerRequestId>
  • Implement FromParts for Extension<ClientRequestId>

Changes since the RFC has been approved

This RFC has been changed to only implement ServerRequestId.