Simple Shapes

Smithy Type (links to design discussions)Rust Type (links to Rust documentation)
bigIntegerBigInteger (Not implemented yet)
bigDecimalBigDecimal (Not implemented yet)

Big Numbers

Rust currently has no standard library or universally accepted large-number crate. Until one is stabilized, a string representation is a reasonable compromise:

fn main() {
pub struct BigInteger(String);
pub struct BigDecimal(String);

This will enable us to add helpers over time as requested. Users will also be able to define their own conversions into their preferred large-number libraries.

As of 5/23/2021 BigInteger / BigDecimal are not included in AWS models. Implementation is tracked here.


chrono is the current de facto library for datetime in Rust, but it is pre-1.0. DateTimes are represented by an SDK defined structure modeled on std::time::Duration from the Rust standard library.


fn main() {
/// DateTime in time.
/// DateTime in time represented as seconds and sub-second nanos since
/// the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at midnight UTC/GMT).
/// This type can be converted to/from the standard library's [`SystemTime`]:
/// ```rust
/// # fn doc_fn() -> Result<(), aws_smithy_types::date_time::ConversionError> {
/// # use aws_smithy_types::date_time::DateTime;
/// # use std::time::SystemTime;
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// let the_millennium_as_system_time = SystemTime::try_from(DateTime::from_secs(946_713_600))?;
/// let now_as_date_time = DateTime::from(SystemTime::now());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// The [`aws-smithy-types-convert`]( crate
/// can be used for conversions to/from other libraries, such as
/// [`time`]( or [`chrono`](
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct DateTime {
    pub(crate) seconds: i64,
    /// Subsecond nanos always advances the wallclock time, even for times where seconds is negative
    /// Bigger subsecond nanos => later time
    pub(crate) subsecond_nanos: u32,


Functions in the aws-smithy-types-convert crate provide conversions to other crates, such as time or chrono.


Rust has two different String representations:

  • String, an owned, heap allocated string.
  • &str, a reference to a string, owned elsewhere.

In ideal world, input shapes, where there is no reason for the strings to be owned would use &'a str. Outputs would likely use String. However, Smithy does not provide a distinction between input and output shapes.

A third compromise could be storing Arc<String>, an atomic reference counted pointer to a String. This may be ideal for certain advanced users, but is likely to confuse most users and produces worse ergonomics. This is an open design area where we will seek user feedback. Rusoto uses String and there has been one feature request to date to change that.

Current models represent strings as String.

Document Types

Smithy defines the concept of "Document Types":

[Documents represent] protocol-agnostic open content that is accessed like JSON data. Open content is useful for modeling unstructured data that has no schema, data that can't be modeled using rigid types, or data that has a schema that evolves outside of the purview of a model. The serialization format of a document is an implementation detail of a protocol and MUST NOT have any effect on the types exposed by tooling to represent a document value.

Individual protocols define their own document serialization behavior, with some protocols such as AWS and EC2 Query not supporting document types.