RFC: Service-specific middleware

Status: Implemented

For a summarized list of proposed changes, see the Changes Checklist section.

Currently, all services use a centralized AwsMiddleware that is defined in the (poorly named) aws-hyper crate. This poses a number of long term risks and limitations:

  1. When creating a Smithy Client directly for a given service, customers are forced to implicitly assume that the service uses stock AwsMiddleware. This prevents us from ever changing the middleware stack for a service in the future.
  2. It is impossible / impractical in the current situation to alter the middleware stack for a given service. For services like S3, we will almost certainly want to customize endpoint middleware in a way that is currently impossible.

In light of these limitations, this RFC proposes moving middleware into each generated service. aws-inlineable will be used to host and test the middleware stack. Each service will then define a public middleware module containing their middleware stack.


  • Middleware: A tower layer that augments operation::Request -> operation::Response for things like signing and endpoint resolution.
  • Aws Middleware: A specific middleware stack that meets the requirements for AWS services.
  • Smithy Client: A aws_smithy_client::Client<C, M, R> struct that is responsible for gluing together the connector, middleware, and retry policy. This is not generated and lives in the aws-smithy-client crate.
  • Fluent Client: A code-generated Client<C, M, R> that has methods for each service operation on it. A fluent builder is generated alongside it to make construction easier.
  • AWS Client: A specialized Fluent Client that defaults to using a DynConnector, AwsMiddleware, and Standard retry policy.
  • Shared Config: An aws_types::Config struct that is responsible for storing shared configuration data that is used across all services. This is not generated and lives in the aws-types crate.
  • Service-specific Config: A code-generated Config that has methods for setting service-specific configuration. Each Config is defined in the config module of its parent service. For example, the S3-specific config struct is useable from aws_sdk_s3::config::Config and re-exported as aws_sdk_s3::Config.

Detailed Design

Currently, AwsMiddleware is defined in aws-hyper. As part of this change, an aws-inlineable dependency will be added containing code that is largely identical. This will be exposed in a public middleware module in all generated services. At some future point, we could even expose a baseline set of default middleware for whitelabel Smithy services to make them easier to use out-of-the-box.

The ClientGenerics parameter of the AwsFluentClientGenerator will be updated to become a RuntimeType, enabling loading the type directly. This has the advantage of making it fairly easy to do per-service middleware stacks since we can easily configure AwsFluentClientGenerator to insert different types based on the service id.

Changes Checklist

  • Move aws-hyper into aws-inlineable. Update comments as needed including with a usage example about how customers can augment it.
  • Refactor ClientGenerics to contain a RuntimeType instead of a string and configure. Update AwsFluentClientDecorator.
  • Update all code and examples that use aws-hyper to use service-specific middleware.
  • Push an updated README to aws-hyper deprecating the package, explaining what happened. Do not yank previous versions since those will be relied on by older SDK versions.